Sunday, August 23, 2015

Sports Commission sends athletes’ blood samples to South Africa

 Al-Hassan Yakmut, Director-General, National Sports Commission (NSC), says it sent blood samples of athletes competing in the 11th
All Africa Games
All Africa Games
(AAG), in Congo, to South Africa for testing.
Yakmut announced this in Abuja on Sunday at the First Anti-Doping Education Session for Athletes and Coaches participating in the AAG between Sept. 4 and Sept. 19.
He said the result would be out by next week.
“Last two weeks, we took 65 samples of 65 athletes to South Africa for testing. I am sure the result will be out by next week.
“Another 65 will be taken there in order to make sure that all areas or chances of doping are blocked’’, he said.
Yakmut advised athletes and officials to steer away from drugs as they prepared for the games.
He said the commission was educating the athletes on the effects of drugs in sport and to safeguard their integrity.
The director-general added that the commission was partnering with the anti-doping agency to educate athletes further on the dangers of doping.
He said the seminar would address and highlight strategies for anti-doping.
Yakmut warned that any athlete who contravened the rules would face the wrath of the law, as the world anti-doping agency Convention would be applied.
“I advise athletes and officials to be good ambassadors of Nigeria and ensure that their conduct and character at the venue of the competition and after, depict that of role model.
“So, we are advising them to desist and not to have access to drugs not administered and prescribed within the camp’’, he said.
He said the commission had shortlisted 450 athletes, including officials, to compete in 21 games in the AAG.
Kingsley Onuelu, Karate Coach, called for regular education on the effects of drugs.
“The NSC should do this often and not just during tournaments. They should do it way before, during and after.’’
He said regular training had become imperative because a lot of athletes took drugs out of ignorance and lack of guidance.
Onuelu advised athletes to strive hard to achieve greater heights and win laurels.
“Taking drugs does not work. It does not give you any extra advantage. It is for a brief moment; and when you are caught, you can be banned for life.’’
Adesogi Adebowale, Coach of Para-Athletics, said athletes should learn to train hard to win naturally.
“Drugs damage your future and the image of the federation and the country at large.’’
The workshop is orgainsed by the Nigeria Anti-Doping Committee.

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