Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Protesters leader arrested in Oregon; LaVoy Finicum killed

Ammon Bundy, leader of the armed protesters who took over a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon, was arrested and one of his followers was killed in a highway traffic stop Tuesday.
A law enforcement official told CNN that authorities pulled over two vehicles. Everyone obeyed orders to surrender except two people: LaVoy Finicum and Bundy's brother, Ryan Bundy, the official said.
Shots were fired, but it's unclear who fired first, the official said. Ryan Bundy was injured, but Finicum died, the official added.
Finicum was one of the most outspoken occupiers who took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns on January 2 to protest federal land policies.
Earlier this month, he said he'd rather be killed than arrested.

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