Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Presidency should set up committee to check NASS – Shareholders’ activist

popular investor and shareholders’ activist, Alhaji Gbadebo Olatokunbo, penultimate week, wrote to investors’ forum, demanding the presidency to set up “committee of prudent managers” to serve as a check on the excesses of the National Assembly (NASS). Concerned Olatokunbo said that the refusal of the NASS to reconsider the desire of the citizens would force the citizens described as employers to fix emoluments for the NASS who he described as employees. Excerpt:
I am of the candid opinion that, if the members of the National Assembly, NASS, are the representatives of the citizens, then they should be subjected to the citizens wishe and opinion on their work and pay.
Since we have given the NASS the opportunity to reconsider the scaling down on the huge emoluments made to be paid to themselves by themselves and they have refused to do the desire of we the citizens, then we shall have to do the needful in the interest of our country’s resources,by fixing the emoluments as their employer and owner of the entity known as Nigeria,which were entrusted to them, the NASS.
Working-calender: I am of the opinion that their job should be on”Part-Time”with the Number of Working-Days in a year worked-out for them,while we would be the determinants of their behaviour towards we the citizens, economy and the nation, to the end that NASS will no longer be the determinants of their pay and the boss of themselves which is against the natural-laws.
It is against the Rule of Engagement/Employment for them the employees to fix their Salary/Allowance, though they could make Presentation/Suggestion, but should allow the employer (citizens) to decide, how much we could afford to pay them, while they accept or quit.
Current-allowance: I am of candid opinion that the allowances of the NASS members be reduced by 3/4, meaning that they will be collecting 1/4 of” their self-imposed-current-salary/allowances”,until the citizens are able to reach an agreement on the part-time-work and what we could afford as allowance or pay to them.
All salaries and allowances collected before the agreement with the citizens since the resumption of the 8th Assembly 2015 that were above the suggested 1/4 emolument/allowances be hereby refund to the National-Treasury or they (NASS-members) face sanction.
Composition of the committee
I respectfully implore the Presidency to help the citizen set up”the Committee of Prudent-Managers”on the above assignment on our NASS with the work time frame of three months only and that they (committee) must not travel out of the country, in carrying-out the assignment.
It is high time we disabuse the minds of our citizens that politics is lucrative and make it known as the art of services to the nation and for only those that are ready to serve us.
He who pays the piper should dictate the tune, the members of NASS should stop taking the Nigerian citizens for a ride, we are the boss while it is my prayers that we the Nigerian-citizens would gladly support the above suggestion on how to tame the servants turned masters, known as the NASS.

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